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Saturday, November 26, 2011



The door swings open and I behold a majestic hall
Crystals with most precious stones adorn the wall
Transparent as glass are the flowers in pure gold,
Ground covered with sand made of pearls untold
Around the table are twelve chairs of agate, jasper,
Emerald, onyx, carnelian, yellow quartz, sapphire,
Beryl, topaz, turquoise, amethyst and chalcedony
The light in the inner chamber shining so brightly
Where all my friends are gathered clothed in white
Greeting me a hero’s welcome beyond all delight
To my amazement, the banquet is prepared for me
It is my wedding to my Beloved Lamb in eternity.

I once con-celebrated a wedding that was held in the very famous Manly Chapel in Sydney.  The bride was a little bit late so all of us had to wait for sometime.  Then suddenly the door of the chapel swung open and out of the dark room, came in a silhouette of the bride which looked like a very lovely creature as floating in mid-air.  There was a hush in the chapel until the quartet started to play the Opening Hymn while the bride walked through the long aisle.  When she reached the altar, the groom cried.  It was a heavenly sight for me.  Later on I composed a poem to immortalize that experience.
I took the photo from the War Memorial in Canberra, Australia.  When I looked up at the big dome, as I saw heaven opened up.  I took my camera and shot the dome.
That wedding experience and the dome made possible this poetograph.

Friday, November 11, 2011



What will I do with my borrowed time?
When the exuberance of youth vanishes
And the skin deep beauty turns to ashes
When ideas are lost and words don’t rhyme.

What will I do with my borrowed treasures?
When my gold and gems lose their luster
And collected fashions I can no longer wear
When I lose my form and bodily structures.

What will I do with my borrowed talents?
When the stage stops its praise and adulation
And the limelight is gone and denies adoration
When songs are taken away by life’s torrents.

The poem is a poetic commentary to the gospel this 33rd Sunday on the parable of the talents.  What talents and treasures do I have?  What will I do with them?  How much time have I got?  How do I spend it?