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Friday, March 9, 2012



In the midst of the foreboding night
You are born through the rapture of light
Your beauty shatters the darkness into shame
Like blazing coal glowing in scarlet snow
Your cry suddenly breaks silence into pieces

And the prison water unshackles you to the sky
Where the winds sing a lullaby of freedom
And fireworks fill the heavens with frozen sparks
Yet when I look into my heart, you are there
Still being born, basking in your eternal youth…


This poetograph is a visual and poetical commentary  on the Gospel this 3rd Sunday of Lent on the "cleansing of the temple" by Jesus (John 2:13-25).  It also reminds us of the Pauline theology of the human body:  "Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit...."   (1 Cor:19-20).

I took the photo ages ago when I visited Greece.  It's one the temples in Athens.  Strolling one night, I was mesmerized by the sight of it glowing in the dark from a distance.   I thought of a sacred thing that was experiencing birth at that very moment... 

Saturday, January 14, 2012



Time freezes as it watches children at play
Music listens to their symphony of laughter
While friendship dances wit its enemies
Malice and ambition melt away in shame
To give way to the rapture of pure joy
A fellowship in the ecstasy of innocence
When the poor become the wealthy
And the weak are turned into the mighty
A band of angels just left the heavens
Turning this earth into a paradise again.


This poetograph is a tribute to our children.  In the Philippines, the third Sunday of January has always been the celebration of the Sto. Nino, the baby Jesus.  This feast which is proper to the Philippines led to the festivals such as Sinulog, Dinagyang and Ati-atihan. 

In the gospel this Sunday Jesus said "Unless you become little children, you will not enter the Kingdom " (Mt. 18:3) and "Whoever makes himself lowly, becoming like this child, is of greater importance in that heavenly reign" (Mt. 18:4).

The photo was taken in one of our parish missions in Badian, Philippines.  When I saw this group of children playing along the beach, as if I saw a vision of heaven on earth.  I took a photo of their hands which speak so much joy and wisdom that the poem could hardly capture....

Friday, December 30, 2011



In the fullness of the appointed time
The virgin became a mother
But the mother remained a virgin
Whose womb became the new ark
Pure, immaculate and undefiled
Holding not the tablets but the Word.

As she gave flesh to divinity
She gave birth to her Creator
Who created her to be his mother
Then God became a human pilgrim
That the new humanity may be born
Through the fertile womb of Mary.


During the first day of the new year, the Church honors Mary as the Mother of God: the mother of Jesus, mother of the New Humanity, Mother of the church and our own mother.
The poem is a little compendium on Mariology, although barely exposing the grandeur and beauty of the mystery that is Mary. 

The picture is the very artistic bronze door of the church of Maria della Angelli in Rome, Italy. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011




I look up and the heavens open like a black womb
Bursting blood like wild fireworks dancing in the sky
Breaking the waters with a cry from a shackled symphony
Breathing the first air of freedom and sweet victory
The universe welcomes her beloved King from on high
Yet when He is born, time brings Him closer to His tomb...


Friday, December 2, 2011



Let me lay down in your cradle once more
Because I am exhausted and so very tired
From my useless wanderings all my life
Adoring the sheer madness of idolatry
Swallowed up by the emptiness of egotism
I come back naked with blackened soul
Mourning the death of my innocence.

Let me listen again to your sweet lullaby
And let your song caress my deafness
May your voice bring back the beating
Of my drained heart shattered by shame
Draw me back to your bosom one more time
To feel  again the love I scorned and ignored
Before I sleep, before I go, before I say goodbye...

The prophet Isaiah was sent by God to comfort the Israelites who were in exiled in Babylon (587-538 BC).   The prophet announced the return from exile: “Comfort my people!" (Is 40:1).  Israel was weary and spent and the prophet sung to them a beautiful lullaby, a song of liberation, a hymn of freedom.
         Such was true to John the Baptist who as God’s voice announced a new beginning to the people during the time of Jesus: "Prepare the Lord is coming!" (Mark 1:3).
        These are the readings of the Second Sunday of Advent – B.
        The photograph is an experiment of some sort, a photographic style I want to keep secret.

Saturday, November 26, 2011



The door swings open and I behold a majestic hall
Crystals with most precious stones adorn the wall
Transparent as glass are the flowers in pure gold,
Ground covered with sand made of pearls untold
Around the table are twelve chairs of agate, jasper,
Emerald, onyx, carnelian, yellow quartz, sapphire,
Beryl, topaz, turquoise, amethyst and chalcedony
The light in the inner chamber shining so brightly
Where all my friends are gathered clothed in white
Greeting me a hero’s welcome beyond all delight
To my amazement, the banquet is prepared for me
It is my wedding to my Beloved Lamb in eternity.

I once con-celebrated a wedding that was held in the very famous Manly Chapel in Sydney.  The bride was a little bit late so all of us had to wait for sometime.  Then suddenly the door of the chapel swung open and out of the dark room, came in a silhouette of the bride which looked like a very lovely creature as floating in mid-air.  There was a hush in the chapel until the quartet started to play the Opening Hymn while the bride walked through the long aisle.  When she reached the altar, the groom cried.  It was a heavenly sight for me.  Later on I composed a poem to immortalize that experience.
I took the photo from the War Memorial in Canberra, Australia.  When I looked up at the big dome, as I saw heaven opened up.  I took my camera and shot the dome.
That wedding experience and the dome made possible this poetograph.